Playboy Muses

Natalie Del Real

Natalie Del Real


Los Angeles, CA

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Meet Natalie Del Real, a mother, model, and organizer from Los Angeles, California. “What I love most about my city is the diversity,” says Natalie. “We have a little bit of everything.” Natalie is a passionate and driven woman whose work is very important to her. “My passion is my non-profit. I just started @OurStreetsLA_. We give back to our community the best we can,” shares Natalie. “It’s human to need help, and it’s not easy out here. At the end of the day, I just want to know I did my best to give back to my community.” We first met Natalie through her photographer, Sophia Sinclair, and we are excited to have her shoot for us. “I would say my experience with Playboy so far is awesome,” she says. “I have felt welcomed and comfortable the whole shoot.” Make sure to check out Natalie’s pictorials right here on Playboy Plus.


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