Playboy Muses

Natasha Eklove

Natasha Eklove


Los Angeles, CA

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There's a good chance Natasha Eklove looks familiar to you, especially if you have at least a slight addiction to Instagram. While she's a student at Arizona State University, majoring in Anthropology and part of the class of 2019, Natasha is a full-time model who shoots as much as she can in Los Angeles in her free time. “I decided to study anthropology because human evolution has always interested me. As an anthropologist, I want to travel the world and learn about other cultures,” she says. A little shy and heavily seductive — as evidenced by her portfolio— it's safe to say we'll be seeing a lot more of the self-proclaimed free thinker in months and years to come. For now, check her out in our September/October 2018 college pictorial, right here on Playboy Plus!


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