
Neferteri Shepherd

Neferteri Shepherd


New Orleans LA USA


5' 8"

Playmate of the month

July 2000

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For Neferteri Shepherd, beauty isn’t just skin-deep – if you ask her, it’s all in a name. “My name is Egyptian for ‘here comes the beautiful one’,” she explains. “Modeling is hard work, but I’m an ambitious person. When I want something, I put one hundred and fifty percent into getting it!” Living and working in Berkeley, California, Neferteri studies business, citing a desire to be her own boss – but when Playboy came calling, she didn’t mind working for a certain Mr. Hefner. “After posing for Playboy, my confidence has been boosted,” she says. “Nudity is art, depending on how it’s presented.” Where presentation is concerned, Neferteri earns top marks – her sunny, sandy turn as Miss July 2000 earned her a spot in the Centerfold hall of fame. “Iman is my role model, because she’s a smart businesswoman,” says Nef. “She models and acts, plus has a family. That’s my motto – never let others hold you back!” From where we’re standing, there’s not much to keep Miss Shepherd’s dreams from coming true – these days, she’s a model, public speaker and marketing consultant, not to mention her own boss. “I try to make the most out of every day,” she explains. “You never know if it will be your last!”


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