
Pat Russo

Pat Russo


Morristown NJ USA


5' 6"

Playmate of the month

November 1965

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Northeast winters are cold and dreary and that’s no place to live for a gorgeous, all-natural beauty like Pat Russo and her Italian-American blood. “I grew up with a brother and a sister in Connecticut, but my parents now live in Texas. We're very close—we argue like mad and love each other dearly, but like most Northerners, the one thing I can't stand is cold weather,” says the Morristown, New Jersey native. Needing a place that’s hot, full of sunshine and near a beach, Pat made her way down to the Sunshine State where she found herself a job that included an iconic, satin uniform. “I'm a Bunny at the Playboy Club in Miami,” says Pat who is loving her new life in Florida. “Florida and I hit it off right from the start. After I'd spent my first warm winter in Miami Beach, autumn in New York was just another pretty song as far as I was concerned.” Meeting several Playboy employees is simply part of a cottontail’s job so it came as no surprise when Playboy photographers walked into the club looking for the right Bunnies to photograph for the magazine’s Bunnies of Miami feature. With one click of the camera, Pat’s blissful life in Miami skyrocketed especially after she got the call she was chosen to be our Miss November 1965. “I’m actually a quiet, conservative type at heart and the type that as soon as party is up, that’s when I’ll finally speak so this is wild,” giggles our green-eyed Playmate of the Month. “I love being a Playmate because honestly, I need the money! I’m a typical female when it comes to clothes. My eyes are a lot bigger than my bank account.” Hitting the Lincoln Road Mall on a frequent basis when she isn’t oil painting, betting on a canine competitions or reading science fiction books, our dark-haired Miss November 1965 is searching for a male suitor who will teach her about auto mechanics and how to go deep-sea fishing. “I really want to find a man who loves me for myself and would make a good father,” says our romantic Playmate. “My ideal evening would include casual dinner at a quiet restaurant, then maybe a film, then home to listen to some mood music. I would also love if a man would pick me up in his sports car and we could go for a long drive through the Connecticut countryside in spring.” Spring into spring with our beautiful Playmate, Pat Russo.


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