
Patty Duffek

Patty Duffek


Woodland Hills California USA


5' 4"

Playmate of the month

May 1984

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Potential Playmates come to Playboy from all walks of life—just take our Miss May 1984 for example who was working at a fast food chain when she decided to audition for us. Upon hearing we were holding our 30th Anniversary Playmate Search near her hometown, Patty Duffek from Phoenix, Arizona knew it was time to put down the fried chicken and leave her Pioneer Chicken Take-Out uniform behind. “I don't normally do things on the spur of the moment. I'm kind of a planner,” says the blue-eyed brunette. “I guess I'm organized.” That spontaneous decision proved to be fruitful as Patty became our Miss May 1984 and it’s not hard to see exactly why she beat her competition. Aside from being a beautiful woman with a naturally voluptuous chest, Miss Duffek has a sensational toned physique that only a natural-born athlete could have. “I like working out as much as I like to keep in shape. Jogging is fun for me, because it's outdoors and I can use the time for thinking and relaxing. A mile or two is plenty for me. Any more than that is too much,” explains the model who plays racquetball and practices her aerobics on her free time. However, even though Patty was honored to become our Playmate of the Month, she does admit she experienced anxiety over the subject. “I guess I'm pretty conservative. Of course, if I were to say that to someone who found out I was in Playboy, he'd say, ‘Right! Real conservative!’ But I am, in a lot of ways,” admits Patty. “I had never modeled before in my life. So, naturally, I hadn't modeled with my clothes off. I was nervous. It's kind of embarrassing at first. But now that I did it all, you know, I'm glad. I'm definitely glad, but it was real scary.” We’re glad Patty has joined the Playboy family as well, and as for what’s next on our Playmate’s agenda—stay tuned. “I wonder what kind of opportunities might be out there. I've had a taste of it through Playboy, and it does make you think,” teases Miss Duffek.


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