
Phyllis Sherwood

Phyllis Sherwood


Niagara Falls NY USA


5' 1"

Playmate of the month

August 1963

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Strawberry blonde hair, big, brown eyes and all-natural curves, Playmate Phyllis Sherwood is a beautiful woman with a zest for life that can’t be duplicated. “Unlike a lot of girls I know, I'm totally unimpressed by bold, brash, dynamic types—my dream man is a quiet, rather shy, attentive guy who would always humor me and my quirks,” says the petite blonde, very matter of fact. “For example, I have just about every silly superstition in the book, and I hate to be laughed at when I refuse to walk under a ladder or turn away at the sight of a black cat.” Steering clear of negative energy, Phyllis has had plenty of good fortune come her way. Since moving from Niagara Falls, NY to Miami, she has become a Bunny at the Playboy Club which led to a Playboy photoshoot with photographer Pompeo Posar as our Miss August 1963. “Every six months or so, my mother and my aunt fly in from Niagara Falls to see how poor Phyllis is getting on,” giggles our Playmate of the Month who will have a whole bunch of good news to share during their next visit. “I always try to snow them with my cooking, which really isn’t too bad, as long as I stay in the spaghetti-steak-salad league. My mother likes to help me with fittings. In return, I point out books or stories I think she’d enjoy reading. In my spare time, I'm a fierce reader—I average at least two books a week, ranging from H. Allen Smith to Margaret Mead to Frank Yerby. My other passions include charcoal-broiled steaks, Vic Damone, emeralds, and Ingmar Bergman movies, which usually leave me a complete emotional wreck. My big weakness is a quick, flaring temper, especially when I see any type of injustice—which is why my friends have nicknamed me ‘Tiger.’ My friends all seem to have enormous appetites. Sometimes I feel as though my apartment is really one-girl restaurant.” As the mother hen of her group of girls, Phyllis says she always fantasizes about taking that next step. “I'm sensitive to being kidded about the big unfulfilled ambition of my life, which has always been to become an archaeologist. I first became excited about archaeology while attending Niagara Falls High School—I was wild to travel to Egypt to discover and explore ancient tombs—but my father's death when I was 16 prevented my going on to college to study the subject,” she says. “As for the future, my plans include marriage, four children—three boys and one girl, in that order—and a home in suburbia with a huge lawn and a huge swimming pool. I like to stay in a pool until I’m thoroughly waterlogged, then lie in the sun at the edge of the pool and bake myself dry. And then maybe sip a cool daiquiri—for me, this is the way to live. But, that future seems a long time from now.” In the meantime, we’ll enjoy having Phyllis Sherwood represent Playboy as our Miss August 1963.


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