Playboy Muses


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“People discover Playboy? I think I was Bunny obsessed from the day I was born,” jokes Rachel, a model, and designer from Arlington, Texas. “Playboy has shaped me into the woman I am today, whether I knew it or not.” A vibrant spirit often sporting an all-pink outfit, we got to know Rachel as she shot for the first time on location in Dallas, Texas, with the photographer, Madeline Northway. “I’m one hundred percent me at all times,” says Rachel of what makes her stand out. “I definitely wear my big ole heart on my sleeve!” A true artist, Rachel is constantly creating in any way possible. “My passion? I love creating beautiful ‘somethings’ out of ‘nothings,’” she smiles. “The world is full of little diamonds in the rough.” Often building sets for her own photoshoots, one might be surprised to know Rachel is good with her hands. “I’m extremely handy,” she tells us. “My toolbox is vast! And all my tools? Pink, of course!” Get to know more about Rachel through her pictorials right here on Playboy Plus.


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