
Rebecca Ramos

Rebecca Ramos


San Antonio TX USA


5' 4"

Playmate of the month

January 2003

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They say that hard cases make bad law, but what about hard bodies? Case in point: Rebecca Ramos, our Miss January 2003. Born in San Antonio, Texas, Rebecca graduated magna cum laude from St. Mary’s University, where she studied law and received her B.B.A. in finance. “I was a lawyer at a large firm,” she says. “I’m most proud of my education, my independence and my family’s accomplishments in politics.” A proud member of a large Mexican-American family, Rebecca is granddaughter to retired Congressman Henry B. Gonzalez, who was the first Mexican-American elected to the United States Congress. Growing up, Miss Ramos rode in parades and met prominent politicians, grooming her for a life in the spotlight. “I’m always ready for any opportunities that come my way,” she says. One such opportunity came for Rebecca when she became Cybergirl of the Week in September 2001 – and then, at the age of 35, when she became the oldest woman ever to become a Playmate. “You don’t have to be a skinny supermodel in your early 20s to be a Playmate,” she insists. “It’s a culturally diverse country, so it makes sense to feature different women.” Indeed it does – with a head for business and a body for pleasure, Rebecca was a most welcome addition to the fold. These days, Rebecca is a practicing attorney, but as the saying goes, once a Playmate, always a Playmate – and with that fond remembrance, we rest our case.


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