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Rebekah Baumgardner

Rebekah Baumgardner


Deland FL USA


5' 2"

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Rebekah Baumgardner cannot handle a dull moment—she needs to keep herself busy with work, school or shopping, otherwise she’ll become restless and agitated. “I have a creative side that doesn't come out during law school, so I started a company,, to make crystal-covered cell phone faceplates. It takes a lot of patience and creativity, but I love it!” explains the law student from Stetson University. “I also love to shop! I know that it's a cliché, but nothing relaxes me more than going to the mall.” The petite blonde admits that when she’s at the mall, she isn’t only shopping for clothing and accessories—she’s shopping for a man, a big man. “To catch my eye a guy has to be big. There's something about a big guy that makes me feel warm and protected,” explains our voluptuous Coed of the Week for January 27, 2005. “He also has to be masculine. I believe that men should have $8 haircuts and not worry too much about how they look.” We’re taking notes, Miss Baumgardner.


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