

Phoenix, AZ

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Meet Reed, a beautiful model, and photographer from Phoenix, Arizona. Now based in California, the talented Reed is excited to be posing for us, and we’re just as thrilled to have her. “I fell deeply in love with Playboy when I looked through the book, Playboy: The [Complete] Centerfolds,” she explains. “My jaw dropped! I was in awe at all the beautiful women and how everyone’s breasts were so different yet sexy!” With experience in front of and behind the camera, Reed puts together her two passions to create beautiful art. “My passion? I love showing people photos of themselves and lighting their faces up,” she gushes. “I love posing nude. It was a way for me to explore my sexuality and claim my body as my own.” When it comes to what makes her, ‘her,’ Reed is fun, friendly, intelligent, and caring. “I’m the mom of the group,” she laughs. “[I’m] always speaking my mind but also trying to make sure everyone is happy and fed. My friends say I giggle a lot, [too!]” Want to learn more about the gorgeous, Reed? Check out her pictorials, right here on Playboy Plus!


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