
Rosanne Katon

Rosanne Katon


New York New York USA


5' 1"

Playmate of the month

September 1978

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Our Miss September 1978 is a stunning model, but before she entered the world of modeling, she was building a career as a successful actress. Having acted on the short-lived television show Grady and on such iconic programs like St. Elsewhere with Denzel Washington, Good Times and The Facts of Life, Rosanne knew Hollywood would never forget her name. “When I'm really cooking as an actress, after the scene, I don't even remember what I've done. I've been in some situations where the temperature on the set goes up ten degrees just because of the electricity,” explains the petite brunette. “I'm really interested in film directing. But for a woman, it's rough, and for a black woman, well, the opportunities are nonexistent.” As a woman of color, Rosanne knew to make it big in Hollywood, she would have to jump over an insurmountable amount of hurdles, but she wasn’t about to let that discourage her—she knew full well she was a strong woman meant for greatness. “Most of the actual work done in this town is not done by glamorous people. Being glamorous is almost a full-time job in itself,” explains our beautiful Miss September 1978. “I like to ride the buses, especially on Hollywood Boulevard, just to watch real people. Those are the people I portray. There's a bus called the 91W that goes to Beverly Hills. It runs every two minutes in the morning when the maids are going to work. Ride that bus and you become a liberal fast.” Originally from Jamaica, Rosanne was raised in a large family where her father, a private detective from Kingston, felt it was important to instill a sense of independence and a go-getter attitude in all of his daughters. “I have no desire to have anyone support me. If anything, I want a guy who’s smarter than I am, not richer,” states Miss Katon who pauses to let out a sweet giggle. “My father was very strict about boys—with six daughters, he had to be. But, after living with all those girls, I couldn’t wait to get to the boys.” Our busty Playmate of the Month was surprised by the amount of sexy men she encountered when she moved to New York, but don’t think for a moment that she would put her dreams on hold for a man. After all, Rosanne has a friendly rivalry going on between her sisters and according to her, she’s dead last on the leaderboard. “I love all my sisters. Connie goes to school at City College in Queens and Juanita is a pilot. I consider myself the underachiever in the family,” admits our Miss September 1978. She’s definitely not the underachiever in her proud Jamaican family anymore. Since 1962, the Golden Globes has selected an upcoming actress to hand out the statuettes as Miss Golden Globe during the award show. The actress, screenplay writer and comedienne had the privilege of being the first black woman to be crowned Miss Golden Globe in 1981. However, Rosanne wasn’t done paving the way for others. Today, she spends her days working with the disaster relief organization Operation USA, headed by her husband, Richard M. Walden. Supplying Third World nations with supplies along with assisting areas around the globe hit by natural disasters, Rosanne Katon’s mission to change the world is far from over and she’s nowhere near giving up.


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