
Sandy Cagle

Sandy Cagle


Milwaukee Wisconsin USA


5' 6"

Playmate of the month

February 1980

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Meet our Miss February 1980, Sandy Cagle. The country girl from Wisconsin loves to get down and dirty with her horses—she could ride her stallions from dusk till dawn. “Wisconsin is the most beautiful place in the world in the fall,” brags the all-natural brunette. “And year round there's so much to do, everything from skiing to sun-bathing.” Sandy made the tough decision to leave the home she loves so much for the busy streets of Chicago, where her main focus was creating a lucrative modeling career for herself. Even though Miss Cagle is a beautiful brunette with a lean figure, her modeling career didn’t pick up as quickly as she would have hoped. She worked odd jobs from making carburetors to doing secretarial work at a hospital. “Believe it or not, I just couldn't stand the paper cuts,” laughs our Playmate of the Month. Soon enough, Sandy busted her way onto the Playboy scene where she appeared on the cover of the Japanese edition of Playboy four times in a single year. “To get the proper sexy look for this shot, I just thought about Warren Beatty,” says our Miss February 1980 about getting into the right frame of mind for her Playmate photoshoot. “It’s a freedom for me, a release. I can express myself better that way than verbally. It’s like an actress going into character.” Even though our Playmate has made quite a name for herself as a Playboy model, she doesn’t plan on living out the rest of her days during the big city lights. “I like to get away from the people and the crowds. Outdoors, I feel more relaxed,” says Sandy, who escapes to Wisconsin as often as she can. “I use that time to get my mind in order so I know what I want to do.” If the state of Wisconsin is filled with beauties like Sandy Cagle, Playboy will be holding several casting calls in America’s Dairyland.


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