
Shannon James

Shannon James


Holland PA USA


5' 8"

Playmate of the month

May 2007

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Meet Shannon James, our Miss May 2007. She’s tall – 5’8” – and all natural, with blonde hair and warm brown eyes. She’s from a small town – Holland, Pennsylvania – and was a marketing student at a local college when she was discovered by Howard Stern. “I had done a couple of bikini contests,” she says, “and my best friend sent the pictures to Howard’s show.” He brought her in for an evaluation, and a senior photo editor for Playboy invited her to do a test shoot in Chicago. “I couldn’t believe it,” she says. “Playboy is a living piece of American history, and I’m so proud to be a part of it.” Shannon is a successful model in Philadelphia, and she promotes often for Playboy, wearing her Bunny suit – or her golf outfit – at events across the country. She’s fit and toned, and serious about diet and exercise. “I work out every day,” she says. “It’s a great stress reliever, and it makes me feel so good.” Her efforts were rewarded with the July 2012 cover of Muscle and Fitness, and ours are rewarded in her beautiful pictorials and videos.


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