
Sharon Rogers

Sharon Rogers


Seattle WA USA


5' 1"

Playmate of the month

January 1964

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Working as a part-time editorial assistant at the Playboy head office in Chicago is Sharon Rogers, an all-natural brunette originally from Seattle, WA. Spending her afternoons filing, locating pictures in the extensive Playboy photo library and writing notes, it was evident to everyone on her floor that Sharon had way more to offer the brand than just sorting through paperwork and pictures. Our repeated requests to the blue-eyed, petite beauty were declined time and again until one day, she finally relented. “I keep busier than most girls I know,” says our Miss January 1964 who also attends school and works at the Playboy Club. “I sometimes think I'm just not getting enough sleep. I hate to snooze too much, anyway, because when I wake up I just know I've missed something. Besides, I've heard somewhere that too much sleep makes you gain weight, and I'm terribly worried I'll get chubby.” Our Playmate of the Month doesn’t need to worry about that. Her busty, all-natural figure is loved by Playboy fans everywhere and especially the regulars at the Playboy Club in Chicago. “Being a Playboy Club Bunny is one of the biggest thrills of my life. Whenever I’m in the Club, serving guests or greeting keyholders, I feel like I’m onstage, performing—and I guess in a sense I am. In the year I’ve been at The Playboy Club I’ve met nicer people than I ever knew before. It really has changed my life,” gushes our Miss January 1964, her blue eyes dazzling. “I can’t ever decide which of the three lives I’m living pleases me most. Working for Playboy is certainly a thrill, because there’s always something exciting happening there, and besides that, it’s interesting and carries a little responsibility as well… I always seem to perform better when I know people are counting on me.” Let’s hear a round of applause for Playmate Sharon Rogers, right here on Playboy.


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