
Stacy Leigh Arthur

Stacy Leigh Arthur


Naperville Illinois USA


5' 6"

Playmate of the month

January 1991

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Say hello to Stacy Leigh Arthur, our Miss January 1991. All natural, with a cloud of golden-blonde hair, Stacy got started young—she married right out of high school, became a mother at nineteen and settled in sleepy Sidney, Ohio. “We moved from Illinois to Michigan six weeks after I was born, and then six more times before I was fourteen,” says Stacy of her nomadic childhood. “It was always small towns—small towns with guys who constantly wanted to find out what the new chick looked like.” In 1988, Stacy got divorced, remarried and began competing in local pageants. “My husband always told me that if I had patience, I’d get what I was dreaming about,” says Stacy, who competed in the Mrs. America pageant, made by and for married women, as Mrs. Ohio 1990. Back home in Sidney, local government declared a Stacy Arthur Day, and Arthur felt more confident than ever—so one weekend in Chicago, she decided to check in at the Playboy offices. “I made the call and said, ‘Look, I don’t want a lot of time, I just want to do test shots, OK?’ They said ‘All right, come on in.’” Needless to say, she was a hit – who better than this shining star to usher in a brand-new year? “I couldn’t believe it when I was accepted as Playmate of the Month,” says Stacy. “I had fantasized about being in the magazine, but I never thought it would actually happen. This is another lifelong dream come true.” At home, Stacy displays her accoutrements with pride—32 trophies, one crown and a scepter, not to mention her issue of Playboy, dominate the foyer. “My New Year’s resolution is to be a more positive, confident person, and after my experience with Playboy, it should be easy,” says Stacy. “I had no problem taking my clothes off for the camera. I just walked into the studio and took off my robe—I had nothing on but my earrings. It was a bit of a turn-on, actually—that’s why the pictures are so sexy.” Up next, Stacy says that she plans become a country-western singer – her hero is Reba McEntire—and based on her overnight success with Playboy, we’d say you’d better keep an eye on the Grand Ole Opry. “It’s a tough field to break into, but the Playboy experience has renewed my confidence,” says Stacy. “Sure, I’m a dreamer—I’ve been dreamin’ all my life. And I love storybook endings!”


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