
Stacy Marie Fuson

Stacy Marie Fuson


Tacoma Washington USA


5' 8"

Playmate of the month

February 1999

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Stacy Marie Fuson doesn’t kid around. A brown-eyed blonde from snow-capped Tacoma, Washington, Stacy has always known that she wanted to be a model, and upon her high school graduation she packed her bags and moved to Los Angeles to focus on her career. “I just got up one morning and said, ‘Mom, I’m leaving for LA in a couple of weeks’,” she says. “I felt I had to do it.” Stacy’s hunch paid off – within the year, she was an established model and actress, and she’d landed the October 1999 cover of Playboy magazine to boot. “I’d done a Playmate test, and they asked me to stand in for another model,” she says. “In high school, I had a Rabbit Head decal on my bedroom door, and I’ve thought about being in Playboy magazine ever since.” Sooner than later, Stacy was a bona fide Playmate, and no one can stand in for our one and only Miss February 1999. Snagging roles in American Pie and Shallow Hal, Miss Fuson was well on her way. In recent years, she’s diversified her portfolio – when she’s not modeling or acting, Stacy does charity work for her local children’s hospitals. She’s a busy girl, but ever the Pacific Northwesterner, she knows enough to stop and smell the roses – or, as the case may be, the salt water – when she can. “I miss fishing,” she says, nostalgic. “If I ever have enough money, I’m going to buy a boat and take my family fishing, right where the Columbia River flows into the ocean.” Needless to say, our Miss February 1999 is a great catch.


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