
Stella Tiana Stegmann

Stella Tiana Stegmann


Frankfurt, Germany

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Meet beautiful International Playmate, Stella Tiana Stegmann from Frankfurt, Germany. Now living in Munich, this gorgeous, brunette model is most known for her time as Miss October 2019 for Playboy Germany. “I am so happy to be the Oktoberfest Playmate,” she says. “I think she is always a little sweeter than the other Playmates.” While on set, Stella had a wonderful time living out one of her dreams. “The shoot was a great experience,” she says. When she’s not modeling for Playboy, Stella is a full-time student with a strong lust for life and travel. “I moved to Munich for my studies. [I] want to do the Bachelor of Business Administration [program] here,” she shares. “I travel a lot and am very adventurous. I spent six weeks in Tanzania for an internship and one semester abroad in South Africa. There really is no place in the world that I do not want to travel to!” In her spare time, you can usually find the gorgeous, Stella staying active, spending time outside, or with friends. “I’m very athletic and like to keep fit,” she says. “I would spend a perfect day with my friend — we [would have] no obligations, delicious food, and laugh a lot.” See Stella’s stunning pictorial for Oktoberfest 2019, right here, now on Playboy Plus!


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