
Stephanie Glasson

Stephanie Glasson


Memphis TN USA


5' 6"

Playmate of the month

July 2004

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Meet Stephanie Glasson, our Miss July 2004. She’s tall – 5’7” – with blonde hair, brown eyes and strong features. “I’m from Memphis, Tennessee,” she says. “I had just moved to Virginia Beach when I was approached by a Playboy photographer.” She had never modeled, let alone posed nude – but the photographer was persistent, and she decided to give it a try. She flew to Los Angeles for a test shoot, and later that year, flew back to shoot the Centerfold. Stephanie went on to do several issues of Special Editions, and these days, she’s a successful model in Virginia Beach, where she lives with her two German Shepherds. A former business administration student, she’s a licensed realtor, and hopes to open a vacation rental company in Virginia Beach. “I still can’t believe it,” she says. “There are twelve Playmates each year, and I was chosen to be one of them. I’ve learned that everything happens for a reason.”


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