
Suzi Schott

Suzi Schott


Springfield IL USA


5' 8"

Playmate of the month

August 1984

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Suzi Schott is known for her beauty around her hometown of Springfield, Illinois. With her long legs, dark hair and mesmerizing blue eyes, Suzi has been garnishing the attention of others, but for the longest time, it wasn’t because of her per say—she was constantly being confused for other beautiful women. “I've been mistaken for Marie Osmond, for the girl in Flashdance, Jane Fonda and Mackenzie Phillips. I don't mind people's making a comparison, as long as they don't dwell on it,” says the tall model as she pauses to think about the women she’s been confused for. “Really, now. Mackenzie Phillips?” Growing up in Addison, Illinois, Miss Schott dreamed of the day where her beauty would be known by all and her fame would be because of her own accomplishments and not for who she resembles. The first step in Suzi’s plan was to move to a big city. She moved to Chicago and worked at a singles’ bar where she endured night-after-night of annoying patrons. Thankfully, the money was good and she needed a paycheck. “The guys who came there were like Genghis Khan on a business trip. It was ‘Hey, babe, get me a J. & B. and water,’” says all-natural Suzi. These men have since changed their tune around the tall model since she claimed the title of Miss August 1984. “Those same people, when they hear I'm a Playmate, get nervous and respectful, as though I were a different person. What if carpenters were as famous as Playmates?” says the Playmate. “I don’t feel famous. I’m excited by being a Playmate. I feel glamorous, but also feel like one of the guys. I don’t want to leave anyone behind. You can look at a picture of someone forever without talking to her. I don’t want to be isolated.” Miss Schott’s claim to fame has been fast and furious since she became a Playmate, but there is one place where her Playmate title and pictorials mean nothing—her mother’s house. “I called up my mom and told her that I was Miss August. She said, ‘That's fine. Do you want to know what I bought at Venture today?’” laughs Suzi. Mothers—what would we ever do without them?


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