
Tailor James

Tailor James


Mississauga Ontario Canada


5' 2"

Playmate of the month

June 2003

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Tailor James is a real Playboy success story. Born in Mississauga, a small town in Ontario, Canada, blonde-haired Tailor burst onto the Playboy scene as a Cybergirl, becoming Cybergirl of the Month in January 2002. “My roommate was a Cybergirl, and she brought my photos to her shoot,” says Tailor. “Most of my baby pictures are of me running around nude in my backyard. I guess things haven’t changed!” Less than a year later, Tailor turned up as our Miss June 2003, and since then, she’s made the rounds as an international model and entrepreneur, with a recent appearance in the French edition of FHM. “I’ve studied everything from marketing to image consulting,” she says. “I’m more interested in my career than the club scene.” Tailor would much rather be the boss – making good on a goal stated in her original Playmate File, she launched Hollywood Curves, a line of lingerie and shapewear, and she’s well on her way to becoming the next Victoria’s Secret. “I’d like to have a family and a rewarding career, but as long as I’m healthy and happy, that’s all that matters,” she states confidently. “I love life and I don’t get bored easily!” We could never get bored of the gorgeous Miss James.


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