
Tanya Beyer

Tanya Beyer


St. Paul Minnesota USA


5' 8"

Playmate of the month

February 1992

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Tanya Beyer is not afraid to take chances. Raised in Colorado Springs, Tanya was a big fish in a small pond – the star player at a local modeling agency, she decided there was nowhere for her to go but up. With happy years of skiing, track and field behind her, the former homecoming queen took a chance and moved to Milan with nothing but $800 and some glamour shots. The bet paid off: within the year, she’d become a successful international model. “People make fun of models, but I don’t get that,” says Tanya. “You make decent money, you get to see the world – that’s stupid?” Tanya spent years in Europe and Asia, and when we asked about her travels, she rattles off the names of New York, L.A., Tokyo, Milan, Paris, Athens, Rome, Taipei, Osaka and Mazatlán, most of which she visited before the age of 21. “I need the flavor of Europe in my life,” she explains. While she’s based in Germany, the gorgeous globetrotter made the trip to Los Angeles to pose for Playboy. As for the nudity involved, Miss Beyer had both a sense of humor and very few reservations. “I was one of the last virgins in my senior class,” says Tanya with a rueful laugh. “I was always real shy in those situations.” As our Miss February 1992, Tanya opened up in front of the camera. Between her modeling and promotional jobs, she found time to record a single in which she sings the words, “Give in to my lovin’”. If it’s Miss Beyer’s lovin’ you want, you’ll have to follow a few of her rules - you've gotta be smart, funny and ambitious, and above all, be romantic. According to her Playmate Data Sheet, the surefire ways to Tanya’s heart are pasta dinners with glasses of wine, pink roses and kisses on her ears. But before she settles down, she’s got plans: “First I’m going to more countries!”


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