Playboy Muses

Taylor Bagley

Taylor Bagley


Broken Arrow, OK


5' 10"

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Taylor Bagley is a multi-talented woman. Born in Oklahoma, but raised in Nashville, Taylor considers herself a Tennessee native. A well-known model and actress in Hollywood, you’ve probably seen Taylor in ads or in a recent movie, as she works as a professional model and actress. Splitting her time between New York City and Los Angeles this gorgeous model is always on the go, and always working hard at her craft. In her free time, you can usually find her sunbathing, hanging out with her French bulldog, or reading. “My go-to quote? Charles Bukowski said, “Drink from the well of yourself and begin again,” she shares. Words she also lives by, she’s independent, fun-loving and free-spirited. Make sure to check out her feature on our Playboy Girlfriends channel, right here on Playboy Plus!


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