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Tracey Ly

Tracey Ly


Houston TX United States


5' 1"

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“The question I get asked the most is, ‘what ethnicity are you?’” says petite Tracey Ly. “Most people think Hispanic/Asian mixed. I am exotic and unique looking.” The full-blooded Asian-American beauty calls Houston, TX home. Tracey loves that she stands out amongst the mostly blonde-haired University of Houston coeds because of her voluptuous and exotic beauty. While we think our light brown-haired Coed of the Week for February 2, 2012 is perfect, but she doesn’t think so and would love to change one thing about herself. “I would like to change my vision,” says the elementary education major. “I have pretty bad eyesight. I need to get Lasik.” You don’t need 20/20 vision to see that Tracey is simply beautiful.


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