Playboy Muses

Vanessa Marie Arevalo

Vanessa Marie Arevalo


Santa Monica CA USA


5' 10"

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“I have always been fascinated by Hugh Hefner and the empire he has built,” says busty Vanessa Arevalo. “I would love to be part of the Playboy family.” The tall, dark-haired beauty grew up idolizing strong men like Hef and, especially, like her own father. Vanessa grew up as a daddy’s girl and was always told by her father to aim high and be overly ambitious at every task. “He always said to be courageous and to go for my dreams,” says the Latina from Santa Monica. Thanks to dad’s words of wisdom, Miss Arevalo made sure that she became a Playboy model, no matter how stiff the competition was. Her hard work, long legs and with her dad’s advice in mind, Vanessa is happy she could now call herself our Cybergirl of the Week for January 1, 2001.


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