
Veronika Basileiou

Veronika Basileiou
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Veronika Basileiou is no stranger to Playboy. A four-time Playboy cover model and two-time Playmate for the Playboy Czech Republic and Playboy Greece, it was only a matter of time before we featured Veronika here on Playboy Plus. Originally from Prague, Veronika works as a model and hairstylist. Though she is always traveling for work, Veronika reveals she loves to stay home when she can. “I like to spend my time with my two pets,” she says. “[I have] two bulldogs— one English and the other is French.” In her spare time, you can also find Veronika working out, on the beach, or at the latest music festival. Learn more about Veronika Basileiou through her International Playmate spread for the Playboy Czech Republic, available now!


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