Playboy Muses

Woo Woo

Woo Woo


Whittier California USA


5' 4"

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Put your hands in the air for Woo Woo, a bartender from Whittier, California. She’s all natural, and of Chinese, Spanish and German descent, with soft chestnut hair and brown eyes. “I’m not as innocent as I look,” she says. “My parents divorced when I was eight, so I’m very independent, and I know how to have a good time.” A new resident of Long Beach, Woo Woo finds the oceanfront better suited to her needs. “It’s kind of hood, kind of beach,” she explains. “Tons of bars and concerts. It’s perfect for me.” Woo Woo waits tables at a local club, and when she’s not working, she hangs with her friends – going out for Mexican food, or shooting a few games of pool at the bar. “I skate, too,” she says, holding up her board. “Cruising, kick push…I’m not very good, but I try.” Woo Woo is new to the Playboy family – she had done a few print ads and music videos, but this is her first time posing nude. “I’ve always been into pinup modeling, and Playboy is number one in that arena,” she says. “The very definition of sexy.” Speaking of which, our girl is into guys who are simple and down-to-earth. “I don’t care about the future,” she says, bold. “I live for the day, and that’s the kind of guy I’ll fall in love with. Well, either that or a skater.”


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