
Yoana Nikolova

Yoana Nikolova
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Yoana Nikolova is Playboy Germany’s Miss February 2024, and we’re so excited to welcome her to Playboy Plus! A full-time model and former champion gymnast, Yoana hails from Bulgaria. “I’ve been to Germany a few times. I really like it,” she shares. “I associate the country with opportunities, professional development, and delicious gingerbread!” Yoana is a lover of travel. “I would say it’s an eye-opener for me in many ways,” she begins. “You learn a lot about different cultures and meet exciting people.” Yoana is proud to be posing for Playboy Germany. “Every model who likes to be naked like me dreams of shooting for Playboy,” she says. “I am incredibly proud to have reached this milestone in my career!” And she’s not done yet. “My goal is to appear more often in Playboy, to improve myself constantly, and to expand my network further!” See Yoana Nikolova’s gallery here, now on Playboy Plus!


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