Playboy Muses

Roxy Shaw

Roxy Shaw


Clarksville, TN

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Roxy Shaw is a model and artist from Clarksville, Tennessee. “What I love most about where I’m from is how genuine and friendly people are,” says Roxy of her hometown. Now based in Los Angeles, California, Roxy loves that her work allows her to see the world. “What I love most about my job is the amount of traveling I am able to do. Growing up as a military child, I thought joining the military was going to be my avenue to travel,” she says. “I’m extremely grateful I found a career path that allows me to.” As for what makes Roxy, Roxy, it’s her grounded nature. “I’m a down-to-earth, free-spirited, and giving individual,” she says. “I work hard for everything I have, and I don’t expect things in life to be handed to me.” Posing for Playboy has been a long-term modeling goal of Roxy’s for some time. “I feel most empowered when I accomplish a goal I’ve yearned for,” smiles Roxy. “Shooting for Playboy has certainly been a goal of mine!” As for posing nude, Roxy says it’s unlike any other type of modeling. “I feel amazing posing nude. I’ve often had times where a photographer has noticed an intense change in my body movement and fluidity when posing nude,” she begins. “I’m comfortable nude, and I pose freely. Nude photography focuses solely on the figure, and I find that beautiful.” Roxy is often painting or outdoors when she’s not working or traveling. “I adore anything that involves creating! At first glance, people wouldn’t assume that I’m an artist that loves painting,” she says. “I also enjoy adventurous things like swimming and hiking.” Get to know more about Roxy Shaw through her pictorials here on Playboy Plus!


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